From the Vendor Fair and Tour to the Banquet, GHSLA 2003 attendees networked and learned. Plenty of delicious food and lots of fun added up to a great experience.

The GHSLA crew taking in Savannah’s historic district.

Sunitha Nair and Jan LaBeause enjoy refreshments at the Vendor Fair.
Banquet entertainers, the “World Famous Crabettes,” find out GHSLA members are abundantly talented.

A Crabette (left) keeps time while Cathy Woolbright and Paula Christian croon the tune!

An expressive Sharon Cann and Lee McCarley team up. When they sang it, it stayed sung!

Jan LaBeause unleashes her star quality.

Linda Garr Markwell (second from left) and Jane Bridges (right) chime in with heart . . .

. . .and exit the stage ready for the autograph seekers.

Do GHSLA-ers have fun or what?