2005 Annual Meeting – Learning and Fun – Athens, GA

While we got back to the 3Rs at the GSHLA 2005 Annual Meeting, we also took time to reconnect with each other, network and meet new colleagues.


Mike Shadix &  Arlen Gray

Mike Shadix & Arlen Gray

Emily Shires, Vandie Enloe & Patsy Rann

Emily Shires, Vandie Enloe & Patsy Rann

Lee McCarley, Kathy Davies, Margaret Truitt

Lee McCarley, Kathy Davies, Margaret Truitt

Karalyn Kavanaugh, Beth Poisson & Tim Lammers

Karalyn Kavanaugh, Beth Poisson & Tim Lammers


Pamela Queen, Lavinia Bullock


GHSLA Customer Service Workshop

Arlen Gray, Alan Harkness, and Todd Prusin role playing in a customer service example.

Arlen Gray, Alan Harkness, and Todd Prusin role playing in a customer service example.


Enjoying lunch and door prizes!

Susan Poorbaugh & Mary Fielder

Susan Poorbaugh & Mary Fielder

Paula Christianson, Tara Douglas-Williams and Sharon Cann

Paula Christianson, Tara Douglas-Williams and Sharon Cann

Patsy Rann with the door prize she won at lunch!

Patsy Rann with the door prize she won at lunch!