How Online Education is the Best of a Bad Situation and Fosters the Transfer of an Inferior Product (.ppt)
Stephen M. Koplan, M.Ln., Ph.D & Todd Prusin, MSLS
When OUR Students Become YOUR Patrons: Thoughts on Getting the Information out When Nursing Students Become Clinicians (.ppt)
Amy Harris, RN, MLS
Information Processing for Learning in Health Care. A review of the aspects of the learning process as well as clinical reasoning, and an indication as to how information is utilized at various levels from novice to expert (.pdf)
Edward C. Klatt, MD
Library Promotion: Free and Evidence Based
Alisha Miles, MLIS, AHIP, & Carolyn Klatt, MLIS
Promoting Effective Use of E-Resources
Barbie Keiser, MSLS