Save the date!

Image by Dorothe from Pixabay

Plan to join our virtual networking meeting on Monday, July 15 from 12 – 1 pm via Zoom.  More details to come, but people who had papers/posters at MLA will give a short presentation on their project.

Dues in 2025



With GHSLA deferring membership dues for the past 2 years, dues will be reinstituted in 2025.  We value and appreciate your support!

Miriam Libbey Lecture 2024

Kim Powell, Research Impact Informationist, Emory WHSC Library gives the Miriam Libbey Lecture: “History and Vision.”  Lots of historical perspectives related to medical librarianship and the impact of Miriam Libbey, former director of the A.W. Calhoun Medical Library (precursor to the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library).

CE Workshop at Our In-person Meeting 2024

Today’s meeting started with the CE session “Exploring Artifical Intelligence (AI) Literacy in Health Science Libraries” by our guest speaker, Sarah Morris, MS.  It was a very engaging and informative session.  Sarah has given us permission to share her slide deck.  As soon as it is received, it will be posted in the members’ section.

It was so nice to see colleagues in person!