Category Archives: news

Rest in peace Ken Robichaux

Many of us in GHSLA knew Ken Robichaux.  Below is a message distributed to SC/MLA and GHSLA by Hannah Rogers, GHSLA Treasurer:

For 26 years Ken Robichaux was the Southeast Regional Sales Coordinator for Majors Scientific Books working out of Atlanta and Charleston. His customer base (many of whom became life-long friends) included health sciences librarians in hospitals and medical schools, and academic bookstores. Ken was an exhibitor and presenter at library association meetings and especially loved attending Southern Chapter regional and southeast state professional association meetings.

Ken made many visits to customers in the Atlanta hospitals and medical schools whenever he staffed the Majors Medical Bookstore located on North Avenue.  In fact, Ken traveled annually to call on his customers throughout the southeast to enlighten us on the latest editions of medical books and new titles. Everyone enjoyed Ken’s stories and his sense of humor. He was always so gracious!

All our best to his wife Anne (librarian) and family.

Ken’s obituary can be viewed here.

Dues in 2025



With GHSLA deferring membership dues for the past 2 years, dues will be reinstituted in 2025.  We value and appreciate your support!

Attention: Georgia Senate Bill 390

Image: by vectorjuice on Freepik: 

This message was originally sent by Christine Willis, SC/MLA Chair;  she is also a GHSLA member.  The Executive Board, supports her statement below.:

If you have been following the news, you may be aware of Georgia Senate Bill 390.  If you are so inclined, you are welcome to use a prepared template for GA residents to write your representative or senator: Others may certainly let their voices be heard by corresponding with legislative leaders:

There was a recent op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that may also be of interest to read: