Category Archives: news

GHSLA 2024 Membership Fee Waived

Image: DFCisneros, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons from:

Once again, the GHSLA membership fees have been waived for 2024.  If you completed a membership registration form last year, no need to fill one out again.  If you have colleagues who would like to take advantage of this year’s free membership, ask them to register.  

Call for 2024 Officer Nominations

The time has come to submit nominations for the GHSLA President and Secretary for the 2024 calendar year. Self-nominations are encouraged!

Description of duties (per our Bylaws):


Preside at all meetings of the Association and at all meetings of the Executive Committee. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall serve a two-year term: Year 1 – President, Year 2 – Immediate Past President. The term begins at the close of the calendar year.

Note that 2023 President, Lana Brand, and the Conference Planning committee will continue to work with the new President on the 2024 Annual Meeting ( 


The Secretary/Parliamentarian is responsible for reporting all Association activities and the keeping of all records, including the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings, state conference business sessions, and regular meeting minutes. The Secretary acts as the Parliamentarian, advising the President and the Standing Committee Chairs on the conduct of meetings. The Secretary also coordinates elections, including preparation of ballots and counting of votes. The Secretary/Parliamentarian may serve up to three consecutive terms.

Please email nominations to Secretary, Natalee Reese ([email protected]) by Friday November 3. I will then follow-up with those nominated to confirm willingness to be on the ballot and serve if elected.

Then, be watching for election ballots to go out in the coming month.


The Georgia Health Sciences Library Association (GHSLA) stands in solidarity with our healthcare colleagues and friends at Northside Medical Midtown in Atlanta, Georgia and grieve for the victims of the shooting there on May 3rd, 2023.  As your professional organization, we collectively offer support to our members after tragic events like these. We are committed to helping healthcare workers, the profession, and members of this community heal from these events and will continue to provide education, training, and advocacy to put an end to gun violence.  We welcome the opportunity to hear your thoughts and concerns and to build partnerships to foster awareness, prevention, and resilience.

OSHA’s Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers
In crisis? Call or text 988