A reminder that you will receive an invitation for the GHSLA Networking Luncheon on Monday, June 5th in the very near future. Please RSVP so we know how many people to expect.
- Welcome
- Introduction of new members
- News from libraries
- MLA recap: if you are a MLA presenter or attendee, please feel free to share some highlights from the meeting: poster/paper you presented or something interesting you learned
- Active shooter discussion — in light of recent mass shootings in Georgia and around the country, discussion of workplace safety. [Due to the sensitivity of this discussion, participants will be given the opportunity to mute their speakers. Once the discussion is over, we will let attendees know that they can unmute.]
- Open floor to other topics
- Raffle/Trivia gift cards will be awarded
You should have received an email with the link to RSVP for this event. If you did not receive it, please contact me.