Category Archives: meetings

Registration Open for Joint Meeting of GHSLA/AHSLC

The registration for the 2016 GHSLA/AHSLC joint meeting is open.  Click here to be taken to the online registration page.  You may also print the Meeting Registration Form and mail it.

The continuing education class will be Planning Outcomes-Based Outreach Programs, presented by the NN/LM Outreach Evaluation Resource Center. Click here for detailed information about the class.

Call for Lightening Round presenters for the 2016 GHSLA / AHSLC Joint Meeting

The first day of our meeting, April 7th, will include a one hour slot for lightening rounds on the topic: How are you key to your community?

This session will give library staff members a chance to share innovative ideas about how the library and its staff are an integral part of the community they serve, whether it’s students, health care professionals, faculty, or the public.

Presentations may last 10 minutes, can be supported by a PowerPoint presentation, handouts, etc. and will be followed by audience questions. Time allotted will depend on how many abstracts are submitted and accepted.

If you have an idea for a topic that you would like to present, please send a short abstract to: [email protected].  Please include your name, your institution, a presentation title, and desired outcomes of your presentation.

The deadline has been extended to Friday, January 29, 2016.

Members: Apply for funding to participate in the annual meeting

GHSLA is accepting applications for the Member Annual Meeting Travel Stipendwhich will fund travel for up to two members to attend the annual meeting in Decatur, GA.

The stipend covers meeting registration, one night’s lodging, and CE registration. See the attached application for eligibility guidelines and instructions.

Applications must be submitted by January 18, 2016.

MLS students: Apply for funding to participate in the annual meeting

GHSLA is accepting applications for our Legacy Scholarship, which funds students enrolled in a library and information studies program to attend the annual GHSLA meeting.

The scholarship covers meeting registration, one night’s lodging, and CE registration. Click here for the application with eligibility guidelines and instructions.

Applications must be submitted by January 29, 2016.

GHSLA / AHSLC Joint Meeting, April 2016

This year the Georgia Health Sciences Library Association (GHSLA) is partnering with the Atlanta Health Science Library Consortium (AHSLC) to co-host the annual meeting. The meeting will be held in Decatur, Georgia on April 7-8, 2016.

The theme for this year’s meeting is “Health Science Librarians: Keys to Healthy Communities.”  On April 7, we’ll have a full day of activities, including business meetings for GHSLA and AHSLC, a panel discussing the importance of health science librarians for consumer health, and lightning rounds. A half-day CE, “Planning Outcomes Based Outreach Programs,” will be offered on April 8th.

The theme of the lightning rounds is “Lightning Librarians: How are you key to your community?” This event will give library staff members a chance to share novel ideas about how the library and its staff are an integral part of the community they serve, whether it’s students, health care professionals, faculty, or the public. If you have an idea for a topic, please send a short abstract (less than 100 words) to [email protected] by January 15, 2016.

Updates regarding registration and other announcements will be sent to the listervs and posted on the GHSLA and AHSLC  websites. Stay tuned!

-GHSLA/AHSLC Programming Committee