GHSLA migration issues

Hello, colleagues, with the migration of our site, something happened during the DNS transfer.  All the posts that were made after the migration disappeared and there does not seem to be a way to restore them.  Apologies to all.  It’s going to take me a bit to update all the url links that were lost.

We’ve come a long way, baby!

Looking at the archives of the old Update (GHSLA print newsletter), I found CEs that were being offered by GHSLA in 1996.  The days when ILLs had to be physically mailed, when full text was only via CD-ROM seem literally like  yesterday!

A Project to Reduce ILL Tunaround Time
Vanessa Wallace-Gaines and Marilyn Seymour
Memorial Medical Center, Savannah

Adonis: CD-ROM Full Text Retrieval System
For Biomedical Journals
Nancy Bryant, Morehouse School ofMedicine

EBSCOdoc Document Delivery & ALERT!
Table of Contents Service
Karalyn Kavanaugh, EBSCO Subscription Services