Kim Powell, Research Impact Informationist, Emory WHSC Library gives the Miriam Libbey Lecture: “History and Vision.” Lots of historical perspectives related to medical librarianship and the impact of Miriam Libbey, former director of the A.W. Calhoun Medical Library (precursor to the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library).
Author Archives: Admin
GHSLA 2024 Meeting
CE Workshop at Our In-person Meeting 2024
Today’s meeting started with the CE session “Exploring Artifical Intelligence (AI) Literacy in Health Science Libraries” by our guest speaker, Sarah Morris, MS. It was a very engaging and informative session. Sarah has given us permission to share her slide deck. As soon as it is received, it will be posted in the members’ section.
It was so nice to see colleagues in person!
GHSLA Meeting agenda for 3/25/24-3/26/24
Agenda by Nick Youngson CC BEY-SA 3.0 Pix4free
Monday, March 25th
- Event: CE Workshop: Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Health Science LIS Professionals with Sarah Morris, MS
- Time: 1 pm – 5 pm
- Location: Magnolia Room
- Event: Welcome Reception
- Time: 6 pm-8 pm
- Location: Game Changer
Tuesday, March 26th
- Event: Continental breakfast
- Time: 8 am-9 am
- Location: Magnolia Room
- Event: Program
- Time: 9 am-12 pm (Noon)
- Location: Magnolia Room
- Welcome and Introductions: Executive Committee and Meeting Planning Committee
- (5 min.)
- Vendor Showcase: Fred Rose from McGraw Hill (10 min.)
- Membership Meet and Greet (45 min.)
- Roundtable Discussion: Acquisitions/Vendor Relationships Prompts (45 min.)
- BREAK (15 min.)
- Miriam Libby Lecture: History and Vision with Kimberly Powell, MS (1 hr.)
- Event: Boxed Lunches
- Time: 12 pm (Noon)-1 pm
- Location: Magnolia Room
- Event: Program
- Time: 1 pm-3 pm
- Location: Magnolia Room
- NNLM Virtual Update with Sarah Fischer, Community Engagement and Outreach Specialist, NNLM Region 2
- Educational Technique Demonstrations:
- Sweet Strategy: An Active Learning Approach for Systematic Reviews with Sarah Adcock, MLIS from The University of Mississippi Medical Center Rowland Medical Library (15 min.)
- BREAK (15 min.)
- GHSLA Member Presentations
- Creating an Open Access Processing Charges Pilot Program for Augusta University with Jennifer Davis, Scholarship and Data Librarian, Augusta University and Courtney Walker (15 min.)
- Librarians and the AI Overlord: Exploring Students’ Use of Applications and Challenges of Institutional Surveys, Emily Harris, Dental Medicine & Cancer Librarian, and Shafer Tharrington, Allied Health Sciences Librarian, Augusta University (10 min.)
- Business Meeting (30 min.)
Passing of a Dear Colleague
GHSLA was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of our dear colleague, Jane Bridges. Jane Bridges was a well-loved colleague and friend to GHSLA members; she will be missed. Her obituary can be found here: