Category Archives: continuing education

CE Workshop at Our In-person Meeting 2024

Today’s meeting started with the CE session “Exploring Artifical Intelligence (AI) Literacy in Health Science Libraries” by our guest speaker, Sarah Morris, MS.  It was a very engaging and informative session.  Sarah has given us permission to share her slide deck.  As soon as it is received, it will be posted in the members’ section.

It was so nice to see colleagues in person!

Votes are in…

Thank you to the members who voted on potential CEs.  The winner was “Environmental Health and Justice: a Brief Primer” in the afternoon.  We are gearing up to make this CE available sometime in the fall.

Upcoming CE


GHSLA Colleagues, there is currently a poll requesting your feedback about potential CEs for the fall.  Please login to view the survey link.  Please submit your response by June 30th.