Category Archives: news

Free eBook, Principles of Tobacco Control

A free eBook, from the School of Public Health at Georgia State University, examines the harm caused by tobacco use and offers solutions for successful tobacco control.

Dr. Michael Eriksen, dean of the School of Public Health, is the senior author of “Principles of Tobacco Control: Extinguishing the Habit,” which explores the history of tobacco as well as today’s urgent issues, from the rapid rise of novel tobacco products such as e-cigarettes to regulations surrounding tobacco use, marketing and other aspects of industry behavior.

The e-book, which is available in iBook format for Mac and iPad users, contains interactive features, including video, graphics and links to additional articles and reports and will be updated periodically. There is also a PDF version for users of PCs and other mobile devices, including iPhones and Android platform tablets and phones.

The book is cataloged in WorldCat; any OCLC member library can import this record into their local system.   Additional cataloging information may be found at the GSU library record.

2016 GHSLA / AHSLC Joint Meeting Schedule

Decatur, Georgia
April 7-8, 2016

8:00 – 9:00 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 – 9:45 AHSLC Business Meeting
9:45 – 10:15 Vendor introductions
10:15 – 10:45 Break with vendors
10:45 – 11:00 Remembering Miriam Libbey
11:00 – 12:00 Miriam Libbey Panel
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 2:30 Roundtables – How are you key to your community?
2:30 – 3:00 Break with vendors
3:00 – 5:00 GHSLA Business Meeting
5:00 – 7:00 Reception

8:00 – 9:00 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 – 12:00 CE: Planning outcomes-based outreach projects

Health Literacy Month 2015

GHSLA (represented by Shannon Glover, Tara Douglas-Williams, and Christine Willis) is working with Center for Pan Asian Community Services‘ after school programs as well as a senior community center to promote health literacy.

Additionally, the Georgia governor’s office made an official declaration that October is Georgia Health Literacy month and recognized GHSLA and the Georgia Alliance for Health Literacy for the efforts.

CE Class Announced for 2015 GHSLA Meeting

The Continuing Education Class to be offered at the March 25 GHSLA meeting will be Answering the Right Questions: Data Collection for Health Information Outreach.

Description: The goal of this course is to improve librarians and others’ ability to collect evaluation data for health information outreach. By the end of the course, participants should know how to design typical data-collection techniques like questionnaires and qualitative interview guides. Participants also will learn to use logic models to focus their data collection methods. The workshop will combine lecture with interactive group exercises and large group discussions that allow participants to practice designing data collection methods.

Topics include:

  • Using evaluation questions to focus data collection
  • Conducting short, to-the-point interviews to collect outcome data
  • Using a “contact sheet” to organize interview notes and communicate findings with other team members
  • Using participatory methods to get information from a large number of community members
  •  Using standard “counts” (attendance rates; drop-out rates) as evaluation data
  • Designing and administering short questionnaires

This class has been approved for 3 Medical Library Association contact hours.  For additional information click here.

Disaster Information Specialists Conference Call: Ebola Outbreak Resources

Disaster Information Specialists Program monthly conference call/webinar on Ebola Outbreak: Managing Health Information Resources

 Thursday, October 9, 2014, 1:30 PM ET

The 2014 West Africa Ebola outbreak has resulted in an explosion of information on many aspects of managing the disease from a clinical and public health perspective. There is also considerable interest in related topics such as legalities of quarantine; ethics of vaccine development; shaming and isolation of Ebola survivors, family members of the deceased and Ebola orphans; food security; and the effects on healthcare for other medical conditions in areas with extremely limited resources. How does one make sense of the outpouring of information from news media, social media, publications and guidelines from international agencies, national governments, NGOs, and professional associations; situation reports; maps and other tools for visualizing the outbreak? What about health messaging materials like infographics, radio jingles, banners, TV interviews, and webinars? Join us to discuss the nature of information flow during an infectious disease outbreak, with a special focus on Ebola-related resources from the National Library of Medicine.

Presenter:  Cindy Love is a medical librarian with over 20 years’ experience in public health information management at the National Library of Medicine. As part of the NLM Disaster Information Management Research Center, Cindy has developed information resources for every major U.S. and international disaster in the last 5 years. She first co-authored a bibliography on “Viral Hemorrhagic Fever” in 1996. It ranks #8,569,688 on Amazon’s list of bestselling books.

The Disaster Information Specialist monthly meeting is open to everyoneTo join the meeting click on  Enter your name in the guest box and click “Enter Room”.  A box should pop up asking for your phone number. Enter your phone number and the system will call you.  For those who cannot use this call-back feature, the dial-in information is: Dial-In:  1-888-757-2790, Pass-Code: 745907.

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