GHSLA Membership Dues waived for 2022

The Georgia Health Science Library Association (GHSLA) is made of librarians, library staff, students, information professionals, and others who have an interest in biomedical and health sciences information services, resources and research. We encourage anyone in these groups to join our association if you live or work in or serve the state of Georgia. For the 2022 calendar year, all membership dues have been waived. While we do not plan to offer an annual conference in 2022, GHSLA offers, with member input, will design various learning and network opportunities for our members. Join or renew your GHSLA membership today!

Georgia Health Sciences Library Association’s December 10, 2021: Special Meeting to Discuss the Future of GHSLA

There was a special virtual meeting held on December 10, 2021 to discuss the future of GHSLA. All member were invited to attend to provide feedback. Please view the minutes from this meeting.

Topics of discussions included:

  • Options related to future GHSLA meetings
  • Problems related to communication to members
  • Restructuring of the executive board

Please take the time to read the full minutes.

Announcement: Special GHSLA Meeting (Dec. 10, 2021 @ 10am)

We hope this message finds each of you healthy and well in these continuingly uncertain times. The Executive Board recently met to discuss the future of GHSLA and we have three options to offer to membership. These scenarios will be discussed at the Dec 10th meeting (10-11am) and an in-meeting poll will be conducted. Overview of options and meeting link was sent out via the GHSLA listserv. If you did not receive the message, let Emily Lawson know and she will forward it to you.

Please attend if you are able. If you are unable, reach out to an executive board member to make your preferences known as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

On behalf of the GHSLA Executive Board,

Shannon Glover, President
Emily Lawson, President-Elect
Kimberly Powell, Past President
Kate Daniels, Treasurer
Lachelle Smith, Secretary
Carolann Curry, Web Communications Coordinator