Free eBook, Principles of Tobacco Control

A free eBook, from the School of Public Health at Georgia State University, examines the harm caused by tobacco use and offers solutions for successful tobacco control.

Dr. Michael Eriksen, dean of the School of Public Health, is the senior author of “Principles of Tobacco Control: Extinguishing the Habit,” which explores the history of tobacco as well as today’s urgent issues, from the rapid rise of novel tobacco products such as e-cigarettes to regulations surrounding tobacco use, marketing and other aspects of industry behavior.

The e-book, which is available in iBook format for Mac and iPad users, contains interactive features, including video, graphics and links to additional articles and reports and will be updated periodically. There is also a PDF version for users of PCs and other mobile devices, including iPhones and Android platform tablets and phones.

The book is cataloged in WorldCat; any OCLC member library can import this record into their local system.   Additional cataloging information may be found at the GSU library record.

Final 2016 GHSLA / AHSLC Joint Meeting Schedule


8:00 – 9:00            Registration and Breakfast

9:00 – 9:45            AHSLC Business Meeting

9:45 – 10:45          Break with vendors

10:45 – 11:45        Roundtables – How are you key to your community?
(Choose two half-hour sessions)

Institutional research assistance and partnerships (aka library programs and services administration), Moderator – Kim Powell

Consumer health education, – Moderator – Christine Willis

Partnering with other organizations/institutions (aka forging and maintaining alliances with universities, public libraries, public health services, community-based organizations, and others to meet users’ information needs), Moderators – Tara Douglas-Williams, Shannon Glover

Embedded medical librarians and/or librarians working out in the community (aka the information needs of health practitioners, researchers, administrators, educators, students, patients, consumers, and the general public), Moderator – Anna Krampl

11:45 – 12:00        Remembering Miriam Libbey

12:00 – 1:00          Lunch

1:00 – 2:30            Miriam Libbey Panel – “The importance of increasing the health knowledge of your community”

Preston Burt, Health Communications Specialist, Environmental Health Tracking Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Laura Hauser, DeKalb County Public Library Literacy Services Director

Dr. Glenda Knight, executive director of Cutting Edge Health Options & co-chair of the Diabetes Community Action Coalition

2:30 – 3:00            Break with vendors

3:00 – 5:00            GHSLA Business Meeting

5:00 – 7:00            Reception, Square Pub


8:00 – 9:00            Registration and Breakfast

9:00 – 12:00          CE – Planning Outcomes-Based Outreach Projects

Karen Vargas, NN/LM Outreach Evaluation Resource Center

Job Posting: Health Professions and Social Work Librarian, Florida Gulf Coast University

Florida Gulf Coast University, located in sunny Fort Myers, Florida, has an opening for a Health Professions & Social Work Librarian, Assistant/Associate Librarian. This position serves as liaison to the College of Health Professions and Social Work; providing library instruction, reference service, collection development, outreach, as well as engaging in service and scholarship; participating in assessment and continuous improvement of operations and services.

Required Qualifications:  Master’s degree from an American Library Association accredited program or foreign equivalent.  Education or background in health professions, life sciences, or social work.

Preferred Qualifications:  Secondary undergraduate or graduate degree in Nursing, Allied Health, or Biology. Advanced level coursework in research methods for the health professions. Knowledge and experience with reference and library instruction in Health Professions or Social Work. Demonstrated success developing web-based instruction.

To apply:

Florida Gulf Coast University is a comprehensive university dedicated to quality education, research, and service. All library instructional faculty are expected to be excellent teachers, responsive to changing professional needs; dedicated to innovative delivery of instruction resulting in improved student learning; committed to effective use of technology including distance learning; engaged in scholarship; and involved in service to the Library, University and Community.

Student awarded stipend to travel to GHSLA/AHSLC joint meeting

Denise Farley, a student at Valdosta State University’s master’s degree program in library science, has been awarded a stipend to attend the 2016 GHSLA/AHSLC joint meeting in Decatur, GA, April 7-8, 2016.  A resident of Decatur, Denise’s interest in health sciences librarianship has led her to build her course assignments around health sciences topics, such as analyzing the CDC website and designing LibGuides for consumer and academic health information research.  Her award includes meeting registration, hotel accommodations, CE course registration, and two years of GHSLA membership.

2016 GHSLA / AHSLC Joint Meeting Schedule

Decatur, Georgia
April 7-8, 2016

8:00 – 9:00 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 – 9:45 AHSLC Business Meeting
9:45 – 10:15 Vendor introductions
10:15 – 10:45 Break with vendors
10:45 – 11:00 Remembering Miriam Libbey
11:00 – 12:00 Miriam Libbey Panel
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 2:30 Roundtables – How are you key to your community?
2:30 – 3:00 Break with vendors
3:00 – 5:00 GHSLA Business Meeting
5:00 – 7:00 Reception

8:00 – 9:00 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 – 12:00 CE: Planning outcomes-based outreach projects