MLA Webinar, March 15, 2016, Morehouse School of Medicine

The M. Delmar Edwards, M.D. Library is hosting an MLA Webinar on the campus of Morehouse School of Medicine.

Managing from the Middle: Balancing People, Projects, and Vision with Confidence will take place Tuesday, March 15th, 2016, from 2:00-3:30 pm. The presenter will be Pat Wagner and attendees will receive 1.5 CE contact hours.

The Webinar aims to:

  • Help participants who have current responsibilities in middle management feel more confident and competent in decision making.
  • Help participants who are interested in middle management gain insight into the challenges and strategies in middle-management decision making.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify one’s personal strengths in middle management.
  • Learn how to avoid micromanagement without losing decision-making oversight.
  • Learn how to improve lateral relationships with middle-manager colleagues.
  • Balance task-level duties with ”big picture” vision.

You must reserve your space to attend. Please RSVP to [email protected] no later than March 11, 2016.

Registration Open for Joint Meeting of GHSLA/AHSLC

The registration for the 2016 GHSLA/AHSLC joint meeting is open.  Click here to be taken to the online registration page.  You may also print the Meeting Registration Form and mail it.

The continuing education class will be Planning Outcomes-Based Outreach Programs, presented by the NN/LM Outreach Evaluation Resource Center. Click here for detailed information about the class.

Call for column authors – Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet

The editors of the column, “Patient/Patron Perspectives” in Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet are looking for information professionals in any type of library (public, academic, hospital, or special) interested in writing for this column.

This column is intended to illustrate the perspectives of consumers of health information found on the Internet.  The column provides an arena for consumer and health-sciences information professionals to share their use, attitudes, beliefs and understanding of health-related information found on the Internet.

Some examples of past column topics are: innovative new consumer-health programming in libraries, good and bad sources for consumer-health information, care-giving of loved ones from the librarian’s perspective, cyberchondria, and enhancing access to mental-health resources.  The emerging consumer-role can have implications for health care relationships. Each article in the Patient/Patron Perspectives’ column will focus on consumers of health, and their perspectives on consumer-health found on the Internet.

Any librarians interested in submitting comments or material for publication should contact Mary Ellen Nolan, MLS, AHIP and Amy Knehans, MLIS, AHIP.   Please send abstracts of 50-200 words with the e-mail subject line PROPOSAL FOR JCHI ARTICLE.

Call for Lightening Round presenters for the 2016 GHSLA / AHSLC Joint Meeting

The first day of our meeting, April 7th, will include a one hour slot for lightening rounds on the topic: How are you key to your community?

This session will give library staff members a chance to share innovative ideas about how the library and its staff are an integral part of the community they serve, whether it’s students, health care professionals, faculty, or the public.

Presentations may last 10 minutes, can be supported by a PowerPoint presentation, handouts, etc. and will be followed by audience questions. Time allotted will depend on how many abstracts are submitted and accepted.

If you have an idea for a topic that you would like to present, please send a short abstract to: [email protected].  Please include your name, your institution, a presentation title, and desired outcomes of your presentation.

The deadline has been extended to Friday, January 29, 2016.