Tag Archives: education

Program Announcement – CE Classes for GHSLA 2014

The program for the Annual Meeting at Barnsley Gardens (March 9-11) is being finalized.   Scheduled are the following CE courses.

Communicating Clinically with Julia Esparza, MLIS, AHIP 4 hours, 4 MLA CE contact hours

As librarians leave their library offices to reach out clinicians in their environment there is an increasing need to know how to communicate with clinicians (physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals) in a manner that is professional but also adapts to the unique environment of the hospital floor or office setting. In this course participants will learn about common techniques utilized currently by the instructor in communicating and providing information at the point of care. In addition participants will learn about non-verbal cues in assessing the environment. Participants will listen and identify information needs from actual clinical rounds and review several articles and write a clinical review/summary.

And PICO Was His Name-o: What to Look for in an EBM Study with Sheila Snow-Croft, MLIS, AHIP, Public Health Coordinator, NN/LM SE/A 3 MLA CE contact hours

A good clinical question is integral to successful Evidence Based Medicine, as is a basic understanding of the types of studies one can look to for answers. Attendees of this three hour class will strengthen their ability to formulate well-structured, answerable research questions, using the PICO model, and develop a clear understanding of different study designs, including strengths and weaknesses. The class includes instructor presentation and lecture, readings, class discussion and exercises.

Please make plans to attend!
Liz Marvel, Program Committee Chair and President-Elect

Plan ahead: Savannah to host two NN/LM courses, November 2013

nnlm_seaMemorial Health University Medical Center in Savannah, GA is hosting two continuing education courses from the National Library of Medicine Training Center.

PubMed for Trainers” is offered in 3 online classes beginning October 31 and ending in person on November 14, 2013.

This free in-depth course will provide current or future PubMed® trainers valuable techniques to efficiently and effectively search PubMed®.  PubMed® for Trainers is eligible for 15 hours of MLA CE credit upon completion of all online and in-person sessions.

Online Session 1: October 31, 10 am – noon
Online Session 2: November 4, 10 am – noon
Online Session 3: November 7, 10 am – noon
In-person Session 4:  November 14, 2013, 9 am – 4:30 pm ET

Toxnet and Beyond” will be offered on November 15, 2013.

TOXNET® and Beyond is a free six-hour, hands-on course to help information specialists quickly find authoritative resources on environmental health and toxicology as well as related health information.

Classes will be held at the Memorial Health University Medical Center,  4700 Waters Ave, Savannah, GA 31404.

For more information or to register, visit nnlm.gov/ntc.